Sunday, January 31, 2021

Motivation Versus Discipline

Week Four of the First Six Weeks.  Monday I hopped on the treadmill and got my first three mile run of the week out of the way.  After that, the usual work and home "stuff" landed me busy the next few days and I drug my feet.  Then I read a post from an athlete friend of mine who totally changed my perspective.  It was exactly what I needed.....

For whatever reason, this post resonated with me.  I am very motivated to run this race.  I am motivated to work on my health, my nutrition, and my overall well-being.  However, motivation will only take you so far.  You have to be disciplined.  I will be motivated to run this marathon but discipline will make it actually happen.  The mind switch was very helpful this week.  Each night before bed, I used discipline to help me set up the following day for success.  I set out my water bottle, electrolytes and running clothes.  Big difference the next day when those were ready for me.  I also found discipline on my long run.  I had skipped a few days (the ones which I hadn't read her post yet) and my long run was hanging over my head with a weekend full of other fun plans.  Friday afternoon I headed outside for my first cold weather run in a couple of weeks.  I was planning on three miles but about one mile in I thought, get it done.  Have the discipline to just. get. it done.  So I did!  And because I was already on top of my hydration, an unplanned five miles went off without a hitch (well except for body glide, ya.... I need that for five miles.... another whole topic to discuss someday).  Thank you Jen for always inspiring others... this post will help shape the rest of my training!

 Almost all of my long runs are with Liz.  Friday she asked me if I could run and at the time, I couldn't.  Then my scheduled freed up, I had reached some mental overload from things happening around me, and I just needed to go.  A solo unplanned five miles put me back in the right headspace.  She had Jedi radar and text me while I was on the run, LOL.
 Our boys play high school hockey and had an afternoon weekend game.  Right after the game we stuck to our running plan and headed to the gym.  She loves these sneaky photos.  I got my last three mile for the week in and she powered through a treadmill five!  And because I feel I still need a mask disclaimer, we were alone here and are obviously in each other's bubble. No photo of Michelle yet (I promise one will be coming) but she is finally feeling better and hit the treadmill with Liz today!  Yeah, welcome back.

  Jenn's view for her outdoor five mile this week.  Running outdoors in the winter in Minnesota is no joke.  Way to get after it!
Ladies, we have a running photo of Lou! 

I am working on other ways to cross train, be active, and to enjoy the outdoors.  Earlier in the week I snow-shoed with these ladies who also love working hard outside.  We followed a pretty hilly three mile loop and it felt great.  Over the past several years I have lost 70 pounds (no joke, maybe I should write about that!) and before I lost weight, I would have never been able to do the simple things like snow shoe with friends.  Well maybe I could have, but would have been miserable.  These three miles were challenging and a breeze at the same time.

  Final cross training of the week - downhill skiing with my daughter and a large group of friends.  Wow, so much fun.  I haven't been skiing in over 15 years and was terrified.  I don't love heights, I am afraid of the chairlift (funny story there) and am afraid of hurting my hip.  I have had hip surgery in the past (actually from a running injury) and will write about that at some point.  I really was nervous all week about skiing.  I wasn't just exaggerating for attention, I was legit nervous.  But guess what, I showed up and did it.  Mostly because my daughter said mom, I want you to go.  Ok, no brainer, I have to go.  But I was scared.  Thankfully a friend and co-worker of mine was there and literally coached me on and off the chair lift and LITERALLY coached me down the hill.  There was one hill I was terrified of.  I was so scared and really just stood there and told her I was "so scared".  But I never said I can't do it.  I dug deep, followed her directions and did it.  Best feeling ever is accomplishment!  I might have the ski bug now and hope to go again... although I had 26.2 on my mind and seriously prayed all of my bones, ligaments, and muscles would remain intact, LOL.

Closing thoughts for the week - Shinedown is my favorite band (ok I have a few favorites but they are at the top of my list right now).  I have seen them in concert and their connection with the crowd is amazing.  I have several songs on my workout playlist.  This post also happened this week right around the time I read Jen's.  I have been really worried about the mental health of our youth during this pandemic (which any further debate on that will remain off my fun running motivational blog).... and then I saw this about midweek and it was like he was talking right to me.  Yep, Get Up and Get a Move on..... I played that song about 20 times at the start line of a previous half marathon.  He is right, let's move our mental and physical health forward and 

 Have a great week - 3/3/4 is the plan - along with some cross training and more deep thoughts.  PS.... hug your loved ones.  This is always true, but this week, hug them again.

Carrie and crew!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Week Three of the First Six Weeks

Week Three of the First Six Weeks.  We are three weeks in to our first six weeks which is focused on "getting ready to train".  Does that mean we can say we are halfway there?  This week was really uneventful.  If you will be following this for the full 24 weeks, there might be some weeks exactly like the last one.... pretty boring.  But in good news, I got all of my miles in.  During the week (and usually while running) I usually think of something to focus on or reflect on.  Not much on my mind this week although I have thought a few times "will I really be able to run 26.2 miles?"  I shut down that negative talk pretty quickly but I do know it will likely come back up as training progresses.

How the week went....... miles for the week 3-3-4.  It has been pretty cold here - like single digits!  I have ran outside more this past winter than in my entire life.  I have braved the weather more and have started to learn how to get my leg muscles to function with the cold.   The roads have been pretty rough lately.  It was warm last week, it rained and then everything froze again and it is really cold.  I am a bit too nervous to run on the ice so treadmill for the win this week.  

Dressing for the weather.....  I have figured out most of my cold weather running attire.  Lined leggings, headband, neck cover, jacket with hand coverings (it is pretty cool).  What I haven't figure out yet is this whole base layer thing.  What is everyone wearing for a long sleeve shirt?  Are the $80 ones worth it?  I am all about investing in solid running gear - but if someone could tell me the best option for a base layer shirt, that would be great.  Message me at long_run_calybeal on Instagram with your sales pitch for cold weather long sleeved running shirts.  And by cold I mean Northern Wisconsin in January/February/March cold.  So cold it hurts to be outside.  Like that cold.

Photo highlights from the week.......

This was after one of my indoor treadmill runs this week.  I have pretty close to a full gym in my basement with a treadmill, elliptical, spin bike, rower, TRX, and weights..... however, I joined the local gym to get out of the house with Liz during this pandemic.  Yep, have a gym and joined a gym.  Sad.  I can't wait for life to return to whatever our new normal will be.  Anyway, the gym is usually pretty hot.  This was the result of running with my hair in a bun (ok and maybe not washing it for a few days).  If I knew in the 80's that this hair could happen with running, I could have saved tons of time curling my hair and using Aquanet ;)
I did work on hydration this week.  This photo has been my daily routine.  Water, electrolytes, and bullet proof coffee.  I used to start my day with a diet coke.  My gut was really starting to pay for it.  To be clear, I have NOT given up my diet soda and don't plan to (small things in life that are important to hold on to) but I have made the goal to not crack open that first soda until have I finished at least one bottle of water and my electrolytes.  We will call that balance :) 

Maybe this is why I run.  I love to eat.  Period.  I am still working on the weight during this six weeks and have been doing pretty good.  Small rewards here and there versus eating non stop.  My teenagers had some friends over for movie night.  I made these, had ONE, then gave the rest of the pan to them.  I had run four miles at a sprinting pace a few hours earlier.  Small reward for me, teenagers who enjoyed a snack, let's call that a win win.
 Look at that flushed face.  Best feeling ever.  This was after my weekend four mile treadmill run.  I read a blog post on another site this past week that asked "what do you consider your long run".  I scrolled through the comments and noticed most people saying... over 7, over 8, etc.  YIKES.  A few other people said it depended on what they are training for.  I was, long run.... over three miles.  LOL.  I have trained for multiple half marathons so I have had those long runs well over 7-8 miles, but right now - anything over 3 is a long run for me.  With most plans, the weekend is for the long run.  This weekend my long run was 4.  Ideally, the long run you work on consistent pace.  Think longevity.  This body has to make it through 26.2 miles.  That is not sprinting, that is pacing.  This weekend's long run I worked on sprints.... yes, I know, that is for the midweek runs but for some reason, I just felt like pushing it.  I ran 30-60 second sprints at all sorts of paces - most faster than I have ran in forever.... which led to the flushed face here.  Throughout the plan I will make sure to work on weekend long run pace.
Treadmill runs all week.  I actually don't mind them - but also can't wait for spring running which includes cool temperatures (not cold) and no humidity!

Fun highlight from the week - at home "free" pedicure.  I found the photo funny because in the background you can see my $20 pair of running socks.  Enjoyed a nice foot soak in the comfort of my own home..... but I won't cut corners on the running socks.  Smart Wool Ultra Light.  That is all I can wear.  How about you?  Only one pair that works?  Runners are weird.

The rest of the team made progress this week too.  Updated photo coming from Lou soon.  Liz ran indoors all week too so no outdoor running selfie of us together this week.  Michelle, we are hoping you are recovered this week and can get out there!  Jenn braved the elements and got outside.  I post a shoe photo on the treadmill and she has this great outdoor snow photo.  She got her weekend four mile run in outside and headed home for a sauna.  That sounds fantastic!  I will have to use my sauna after weekend runs, brilliant.  Jenn's post with the above photo..... "When I just wanted to stay cozy and warm on the couch this morning I thought of @jamesclear mantra 'Never miss twice'.  I didn't run last night because life got in the way, but I got out there today because I didn't want to miss twice.   A healthy lifestyle isn't about perfection - it is about finding balance that works for you."

Make that your goal for next week..... Don't Miss Twice!

That's it for this week.  A little lull in the deep thoughts.  3-3-5 this week for mileage.  See you outside or on the treadmill!
Carrie and the team

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Train the Trainer: End of Week Two

Train the Trainer End of Week Two - on to Week Three.  So two things are on my mind this week - Social Isolation and Nutrition.  Let's chat about those first - then I will share an update about the team's progress.

Social Isolation:  There's no doubt the changes in our lives for the past year have started to take a toll.  We could talk about a million things - the virus itself, financial hardships, political viewpoints, working from home, virtual school, medical facilities overwhelmed, etc.  So many areas people are struggling in a variety of different ways.  One area that I am concerned about is social isolation and mental health for our teenagers.  I have heard people say these teenagers will be fine "it is not like they are sent off to war", "they are lucky they have their health", etc.  I really don't want to debate this.  The impact of the pandemic will be felt in different ways.  I know for sure that social isolation in the teenage population is real.  Living their lives in their bedrooms and going to school 100% virtually is hard for them.  It just is.   I live with two teenagers and I see a change in them - I will spare the details in a public forum - but social isolation is real.  So what does that have to do with running?  Well for me, I am trying to be a role model to my teenagers.  I am trying to show them to never quit, to work hard, and to be self accountable.   I am not teaching them to be runners.  Neither of them have interest in running.  I am trying to teach them you have to work hard for goals.  They don't just happen.  Teaching them this lesson will not make this pandemic any easier - it will not solve their social isolation struggles - but when things return to some sense of normal (whatever normal means to you, and yes, it will likely be a new normal) I hope they have learned they are strong and resilient.  They are loved and valued.  They don't have to love running - but I hope they love something, they work hard and most importantly - they have FUN with whatever they chose to do.  

While out on my run this week, my daughter happened to drive by.  I hope she doesn't think OMG that is my mom - I hope she thinks - look at my mom working hard to crush her goals.

This is my son who has worked hard to follow COVID precautions so he can play the sport he has grown up with.  This year has been challenging in more ways than one and these boys are just happy to be playing.  While the season looks different, I am thankful they have this opportunity to be active.  

Nutrition - how does social isolation tie into my nutrition thoughts this week?  This past weekend the high school hockey team had the opportunity to play in back-to-back games that allowed our family to stay overnight in a hotel (insert the "yes we followed all COVID precautions disclaimer here").  So before we get into the weekend's nutrition - I want to share this photo first from a friend who is a training beast and two time Ironman Triathlete...

When I trained for Grandma's half marathon last year, I really shifted my focus from dieting to fueling.  What a difference.  I ran the best I have ever ran and PRd my time.  I know how important proper fuel is.   However, I do need to lose some weight.  Prior to last year I would have been considered obese.  Losing 0ver 50 pounds in the last year has moved me from obese to overweight so there is still a little work I need to do.  There are periods of time where I would consider myself dieting versus fueling.  For me, this is ok right now.  I want to lose a few more pounds so running is more effective.  I want to lose weight to run, not run to lose weight.  I can rationalize that in my head all day, LOL.  This Train the Trainer six weeks I am focusing more on diet that fuel.  Once I start marathon training, I will shift to fueling.  Right now I am watching the carbs but I know proper carbs will help me finish 26.2 miles.

The past weekend at the hockey games, it was just bizarre coming out of social isolation.  Laughing, smiling, and having tons of fun with close hockey families was so much fun.  There was about 36 hours I did not care about diet or fuel.  And when I say I didn't care, man- I DID NOT CARE.  It was so much fun to just eat and eat.  Here is why I am sharing these thoughts this week.......  After a weekend like mine I hear so many people say "I fell off the wagon" or now "I have to start over".  What I have learned lately is - no, I did not fall off the wagon.  I enjoyed myself with family and friends.  I came home and ran five miles on the treadmill - not because I felt guilty about the weekend - but because it felt good.  Both felt good..... the ice cream, pizza, biscuits and gravy, and the five mile run.  ALL FELT GOOD.  So I am not off the wagon or starting over.... I am continuing on and hope to lose a few pounds the next few weeks.  Check out my cousin's Instagram:  the_nondiet_life   This is how I want to live!  And PS, I regret nothing from the past weekend.  Social isolation ✔ and nutrition ✔

Team updates:  Liz and I had two great outside runs this week!  The weather was a little warmer with less wind.  Still plenty of snow.  I was very excited to hit three miles in under thirty minutes.  We also did some cross training with squats and burpees which felt like old school gym class.  Sitting was a little tough the next day 😂.  We both got some treadmill miles in after the hotel stay and overeating.  Michelle is still under the weather.  We hope she is on the mend soon and back on the pavement!  Jenn got some miles in outside this week and used Yaktracks in the snow - that is some serious resistance training!  Lou continues to crush the gym (and the man bun).  Sara and I also had some outside time this past week tubing with the kids and she brought her little one to the rink to skate.  Any activity is good!

Three miles outside - staying lighter closer to 5:00 pm!

Five miles on the treadmill at conversation pace

Jenn crushing an outside run in Minnesota in the winter

Lou - the man, the myth, the legend
Final thoughts:  Check out my friend's podcast on the Another Mother Runner's Facebook page: Click here to listen!  You can also read Beth's book - there is a link on the left hand column of the blog.  See you next week - wow, another long one!


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Train the Trainer End of Week One.  One week down.  The days are long and slow, but the weeks seem to fly buy.  Pretty much the story of our lives the last 8 or so months.  I have lots on my mind the end of week one so hang on for the long run.......

Excitement turns to WWWT (what were we thinking, sort like WTF).  So the first week of something new is always fun.  A few of us got new shoes.  The blog went up.  We shared fun first week photos. This is gonna be so much fun.  Then reality sets in.  The excitement of running and training needs to last the next 23 weeks.  THAT IS A LONG TIME.  Good thing we have a team though.  As they say, there is safety in numbers.  I 100% know that I would have skipped my long run for a nap this weekend if it wasn't for this team.  If anyone out there actually reads this, I hope this is your push to get out there and get it done.  Good days and bad days will happen - even a few WTF were we thinking days - but still, get it done.  The initial novelty might wear off - but there will be new novelties along the way - like the first time I run 13.2 miles - which will be 0.1 miles farther than I have even run before.  I hope everyone finds ways to keep going and takes notice of little milestones along the way.

Team update. The goal this week was 3-3-4 (three miles twice and a four miler), a couple cross training days and a rest day.  Liz and I managed two treadmill runs and the long run outside.  Outside is tricky with the weather going from warm to cold.  The snow melts and make fresh slippery ice - but then there are stretches of beautiful blacktop.  It is right at the point of deciding to wear Yak tracks or not.  We also did a good job this week of stretching and strength training with resistance bands.  We have tried to accomplish those things with past training programs but they are always the first to go.  We know training for 26.2 will require us to be more purposeful with the "non-running" elements of the program.

Lou is hammering away at the gym.  Is that a man bun I see?????  HHMMMM.......

Four frigid miles.....

Jenn got her long run in on the weekend.  Michelle has been under the weather this week but I notice on Map My Run she still logged some miles (she is a beast, way to get it done!!).  Let's see some photos next week ladies!

Self Care - Specifically SLEEP. So the other thing I have been pondering this week is how sleep affects my training.  I am a natural night owl.  We stay up pretty late in my house.  My whole life I have not been a morning person.  Mornings did get better once I finally got my thyroid dialed in and lost some weight.  I was even getting up and running 2-3 treadmill miles before clinical!  There are members of this team that prefer a morning work out and I get it, get up and get it done.  I hope to get back to some mornings - especially when it starts to get warm out (we have tons of time before that happens).  The past few weeks my late nights have turned into really late nights.   I mean like midnight or 1:00 am nights.  Who does that in their 40's?  And wait until you hear why I did that.  Cobra Kai.  Yep.  Mindless Netflix.  In my defense, I am on break from work right now - I am a college faculty member enjoying semester break.  But still - 1:00 am to watch TV?   Turns out Cobra Kai is pretty cheesy - but I LOVE it.  I love the references to the original movie.  It is like bringing back a piece of your childhood.  I mean the 80's, what is better than that?  Here I am, 44 years old with 17 year old twins and a toddler (that is another future blog post right there) staying up super late to watch Johnny Lawrence - which by the way, I did not know I needed Johnny in my life.  Of course he was the kid we all loved to hate in the original movie and loved seeing him lose - but not now.  Now I love to see his changing perspective on life.  Getting to the point.... what does this have to do with running?   It is important to take care of yourself in more ways than just with miles and cross training.  Self care is important too.  Sleep is important.  I have been extra tired lately staying up so late.  Being tired makes it hard to stay motivated to work out - and even more difficult to make smart nutrition choices.  So folks, get some sleep.  Everyone needs different hours - some need 7, some need 9, some need the "magic" 8 that everyone recommends .  Figure out what you need and get some sleep.  Thankfully I have reached the end of Cobra Kai season three and I am caught up on all my other mindless TV so I can go to bed.  Johnny Lawrence is right, you have to be strong on the inside too!

On to week two of Train the Trainer.  Mileage goal for the week:  3-3-5 along with three cross training days and a rest day.  Get it done folks!

See you next week......

Monday, January 4, 2021

Train the Trainer Day One

Day One of Train the Trainer.  Here we are.  Day one.  Sort of.  Day one of full marathon training starts February 15th - but today starts train the trainer.  See the left hand column and click on Train the Trainer to read all about it.  Essentially we have the next six weeks to work on "things" before things get real (ok, they are already real).

First things first.  Here I am today.  I took this photo that I will share again in a side-by-side in six weeks.  I love a good workout selfie, but good lord.... the art of the mirror selfie I have not learned yet.  I know not every fitness goal is about weight loss and often as women we put too much emphasis on the scale.  I don't want to live like that (nether does Jenn, check out her Instagram on the left hand column) - but for right now, I do need to lose a few more pounds to get to a place that a ten minute mile isn't hard because I am heavy - it is hard because I am pushing towards a 9-minute mile. 

Miles for the week. The goal this week is 3-3-4 along with two cross training days.  A few of us got our first three miles in today.  Liz and I hit the treadmill at the gym.  We have been running outside in this colder weather more in the last two months that we have in our whole lives.  Today,we were just not feeling the cold weather since it was also windy.  Three miles on the treadmill it is!  I have to admit, I do love a good treadmill run (I am not the norm).  According to my Timehop, five years ago today we also ran three miles but it looks like we braved the weather that day!   Hard to tell in the photo but there is about a 100 pounds different between these two photos (ok maybe more like 75 because of Christmas carbs).

Jenn also got three miles in today with her new running shoes but braved the weather for an evening outdoor run. 

Lou started back at the gym today.  He was the only one there (thus no mask - isn't it weird we need a mask disclaimer???)

Have a good week all - keep moving! 

Get along, on down the road...... 
We've got a long, long way to go
(Kenny Chesney Get Along)