Train the Trainer End of Week Two - on to Week Three. So two things are on my mind this week - Social Isolation and Nutrition. Let's chat about those first - then I will share an update about the team's progress.
Social Isolation: There's no doubt the changes in our lives for the past year have started to take a toll. We could talk about a million things - the virus itself, financial hardships, political viewpoints, working from home, virtual school, medical facilities overwhelmed, etc. So many areas people are struggling in a variety of different ways. One area that I am concerned about is social isolation and mental health for our teenagers. I have heard people say these teenagers will be fine "it is not like they are sent off to war", "they are lucky they have their health", etc. I really don't want to debate this. The impact of the pandemic will be felt in different ways. I know for sure that social isolation in the teenage population is real. Living their lives in their bedrooms and going to school 100% virtually is hard for them. It just is. I live with two teenagers and I see a change in them - I will spare the details in a public forum - but social isolation is real. So what does that have to do with running? Well for me, I am trying to be a role model to my teenagers. I am trying to show them to never quit, to work hard, and to be self accountable. I am not teaching them to be runners. Neither of them have interest in running. I am trying to teach them you have to work hard for goals. They don't just happen. Teaching them this lesson will not make this pandemic any easier - it will not solve their social isolation struggles - but when things return to some sense of normal (whatever normal means to you, and yes, it will likely be a new normal) I hope they have learned they are strong and resilient. They are loved and valued. They don't have to love running - but I hope they love something, they work hard and most importantly - they have FUN with whatever they chose to do.
While out on my run this week, my daughter happened to drive by. I hope she doesn't think OMG that is my mom - I hope she thinks - look at my mom working hard to crush her goals.
This is my son who has worked hard to follow COVID precautions so he can play the sport he has grown up with. This year has been challenging in more ways than one and these boys are just happy to be playing. While the season looks different, I am thankful they have this opportunity to be active.
Nutrition - how does social isolation tie into my nutrition thoughts this week? This past weekend the high school hockey team had the opportunity to play in back-to-back games that allowed our family to stay overnight in a hotel (insert the "yes we followed all COVID precautions disclaimer here"). So before we get into the weekend's nutrition - I want to share this photo first from a friend who is a training beast and two time Ironman Triathlete...
When I trained for Grandma's half marathon last year, I really shifted my focus from dieting to fueling. What a difference. I ran the best I have ever ran and PRd my time. I know how important proper fuel is. However, I do need to lose some weight. Prior to last year I would have been considered obese. Losing 0ver 50 pounds in the last year has moved me from obese to overweight so there is still a little work I need to do. There are periods of time where I would consider myself dieting versus fueling. For me, this is ok right now. I want to lose a few more pounds so running is more effective. I want to lose weight to run, not run to lose weight. I can rationalize that in my head all day, LOL. This Train the Trainer six weeks I am focusing more on diet that fuel. Once I start marathon training, I will shift to fueling. Right now I am watching the carbs but I know proper carbs will help me finish 26.2 miles.
The past weekend at the hockey games, it was just bizarre coming out of social isolation. Laughing, smiling, and having tons of fun with close hockey families was so much fun. There was about 36 hours I did not care about diet or fuel. And when I say I didn't care, man- I DID NOT CARE. It was so much fun to just eat and eat. Here is why I am sharing these thoughts this week....... After a weekend like mine I hear so many people say "I fell off the wagon" or now "I have to start over". What I have learned lately is - no, I did not fall off the wagon. I enjoyed myself with family and friends. I came home and ran five miles on the treadmill - not because I felt guilty about the weekend - but because it felt good. Both felt good..... the ice cream, pizza, biscuits and gravy, and the five mile run. ALL FELT GOOD. So I am not off the wagon or starting over.... I am continuing on and hope to lose a few pounds the next few weeks. Check out my cousin's Instagram: the_nondiet_life This is how I want to live! And PS, I regret nothing from the past weekend. Social isolation ✔ and nutrition ✔
Team updates: Liz and I had two great outside runs this week! The weather was a little warmer with less wind. Still plenty of snow. I was very excited to hit three miles in under thirty minutes. We also did some cross training with squats and burpees which felt like old school gym class. Sitting was a little tough the next day 😂. We both got some treadmill miles in after the hotel stay and overeating. Michelle is still under the weather. We hope she is on the mend soon and back on the pavement! Jenn got some miles in outside this week and used Yaktracks in the snow - that is some serious resistance training! Lou continues to crush the gym (and the man bun). Sara and I also had some outside time this past week tubing with the kids and she brought her little one to the rink to skate. Any activity is good!
Three miles outside - staying lighter closer to 5:00 pm!
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