Sunday, January 10, 2021

Train the Trainer End of Week One.  One week down.  The days are long and slow, but the weeks seem to fly buy.  Pretty much the story of our lives the last 8 or so months.  I have lots on my mind the end of week one so hang on for the long run.......

Excitement turns to WWWT (what were we thinking, sort like WTF).  So the first week of something new is always fun.  A few of us got new shoes.  The blog went up.  We shared fun first week photos. This is gonna be so much fun.  Then reality sets in.  The excitement of running and training needs to last the next 23 weeks.  THAT IS A LONG TIME.  Good thing we have a team though.  As they say, there is safety in numbers.  I 100% know that I would have skipped my long run for a nap this weekend if it wasn't for this team.  If anyone out there actually reads this, I hope this is your push to get out there and get it done.  Good days and bad days will happen - even a few WTF were we thinking days - but still, get it done.  The initial novelty might wear off - but there will be new novelties along the way - like the first time I run 13.2 miles - which will be 0.1 miles farther than I have even run before.  I hope everyone finds ways to keep going and takes notice of little milestones along the way.

Team update. The goal this week was 3-3-4 (three miles twice and a four miler), a couple cross training days and a rest day.  Liz and I managed two treadmill runs and the long run outside.  Outside is tricky with the weather going from warm to cold.  The snow melts and make fresh slippery ice - but then there are stretches of beautiful blacktop.  It is right at the point of deciding to wear Yak tracks or not.  We also did a good job this week of stretching and strength training with resistance bands.  We have tried to accomplish those things with past training programs but they are always the first to go.  We know training for 26.2 will require us to be more purposeful with the "non-running" elements of the program.

Lou is hammering away at the gym.  Is that a man bun I see?????  HHMMMM.......

Four frigid miles.....

Jenn got her long run in on the weekend.  Michelle has been under the weather this week but I notice on Map My Run she still logged some miles (she is a beast, way to get it done!!).  Let's see some photos next week ladies!

Self Care - Specifically SLEEP. So the other thing I have been pondering this week is how sleep affects my training.  I am a natural night owl.  We stay up pretty late in my house.  My whole life I have not been a morning person.  Mornings did get better once I finally got my thyroid dialed in and lost some weight.  I was even getting up and running 2-3 treadmill miles before clinical!  There are members of this team that prefer a morning work out and I get it, get up and get it done.  I hope to get back to some mornings - especially when it starts to get warm out (we have tons of time before that happens).  The past few weeks my late nights have turned into really late nights.   I mean like midnight or 1:00 am nights.  Who does that in their 40's?  And wait until you hear why I did that.  Cobra Kai.  Yep.  Mindless Netflix.  In my defense, I am on break from work right now - I am a college faculty member enjoying semester break.  But still - 1:00 am to watch TV?   Turns out Cobra Kai is pretty cheesy - but I LOVE it.  I love the references to the original movie.  It is like bringing back a piece of your childhood.  I mean the 80's, what is better than that?  Here I am, 44 years old with 17 year old twins and a toddler (that is another future blog post right there) staying up super late to watch Johnny Lawrence - which by the way, I did not know I needed Johnny in my life.  Of course he was the kid we all loved to hate in the original movie and loved seeing him lose - but not now.  Now I love to see his changing perspective on life.  Getting to the point.... what does this have to do with running?   It is important to take care of yourself in more ways than just with miles and cross training.  Self care is important too.  Sleep is important.  I have been extra tired lately staying up so late.  Being tired makes it hard to stay motivated to work out - and even more difficult to make smart nutrition choices.  So folks, get some sleep.  Everyone needs different hours - some need 7, some need 9, some need the "magic" 8 that everyone recommends .  Figure out what you need and get some sleep.  Thankfully I have reached the end of Cobra Kai season three and I am caught up on all my other mindless TV so I can go to bed.  Johnny Lawrence is right, you have to be strong on the inside too!

On to week two of Train the Trainer.  Mileage goal for the week:  3-3-5 along with three cross training days and a rest day.  Get it done folks!

See you next week......

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